Category Archives: Becoming A Teacher FAQs

Test Driving a Teaching Career

Deciding to become a full time teacher is a big step. You may be able to remember teachers from your youth that seemed to make it look easy and fun to be a teacher. So if you think you might have the temperament for teaching and that it would be a rewarding career, the best way to find out more about it is to test drive being a teacher in various limited settings to get an idea for how it feels to be a teacher before you […]

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So What Do You Want to Teach?

When a person introduces themselves to you as a teacher, the question that you invariably ask is “So what do you teach?” How the person answers that question can tell you a lot not only about how they feel about their calling as a teacher and how they feel about their students as well. Usually you get one of two answers. Either the answer is “Oh I teach the fifth grade” or “I teach Algebra”. If the answer is a grade level, the teacher probably handles more […]

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Breaking Into the Working World of Teachers

In every college in the country, there are ambitious and starry eyed youngsters who are preparing for a career in teaching. At some point that army of graduates will hit the streets to find jobs in the field of teaching. What is not often taught in colleges are the real world skills of how to actually find and land a good teaching job right out of school. And while there is always a need for good teachers, the new graduate should develop some skills in finding the […]

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